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Eye Bowl – We sponsored a lane and fielded a team of unbelievably bad bowlers who had a ball!  Altogether we were responsible for over $400 to Blind Skills

ACE Awards – Recognition of high school seniors who have overcome major obstacles on their path to graduation with their class.  We give them a banquet, a plaque, and a check.

Community Service Awards – Recognition of an unsung hero in our community who has quietly volunteered and made a difference.

Pizza for Vets – At New Years and July 4th we provide a pizza and pop dinner for veterans in transitional housing

Pumpkin Patch – We take the families in our Exchange Sponsored Child Abuse Prevention Endeavor to pick out their pumpkins and drink cider and eat donuts.

Veterans Matter – We partnered with Veterans Matter and Silver Spur to raise money for housing deposits as they transition from homelessness.

Thanksgiving Baskets – Food baskets for those in need in our community the baskets include both turkey and ham and enough fixin’s to celebrate the holidays and the week after.